Grasshopper Sparrow
Ammodramus savannarum pratensis
Special Concern (Federal)
Red List (Provincial)
The Grasshopper Sparrow is a small beige and grey bird. It has a short tail, flat head and cone shaped beige bill. Key features are a plain cream coloured throat and breast with either unmarked or faintly marked flanks. Its back is a mottled rust colour.
The Grasshopper Sparrow typically breeds in large grasslands, pastures or hayfields and natural prairies characterized by well-drained, often poor soil dominated by relatively low sparse perennial herbaceous vegetation.
They can be found in grasslands in the South Okanagan and Similkameen
-Loss of habitat due to conversion of grasslands and pasture into intensive farming
-Habitat fragmentation
-Mowing activities during the breeding season
You Can Help!
-Retain natural grasslands, pastures and hay fields
-Ensure a healthy native vegetative community
-Limit mowing during breeding periods (May to early summer)