osstewardshipFeb 19, 2021Dabble with ducks!Did you know that diving ducks like these Buffleheads will compress their feathers tightly against their body right before they dive?...
osstewardshipFeb 12, 2021Marvelous moonlight#funfactfriday #lunarnewyear Happy Lunar New Year! Today is the first new moon of the lunar calendar. Did you know that the phase of...
osstewardshipJan 22, 2021Wintery Brrrr-ds#funfactfriday Though this winter has been quite mild, there have definitely been some chilly days! Many animals hibernate through cold...
osstewardshipJan 1, 2021Don't cross me!Red Crossbills are a part of a small family of birds that have evolved extreme crossbites. This looks like a beak deformation, but it is...
osstewardshipDec 25, 2020Return of the Trumpeter Swans#funfactfriday Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! We hope at some point this holiday season you were able to see seven swans a-swimming...
osstewardshipNov 13, 2020Its a bird, it's a plane, it's a.... zygodactyl?No, that's not a newly discovered dinosaur, it's a description of bird feet! There are five different arrangements of bird feet that...