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World Habitat Day

Today is World Habitat Day!

This is a day to reflect on the state of habitat for both humans and other animals around the world, and on the basic right of all species to adequate shelter. Many of the species-at-risk that we talk about are suffering from two major issues: habitat loss and fragmentation.

🌲 Habitat loss is when suitable habitat for species-at-risk is destroyed in order to use the land for a different purpose. Examples of this include logging, urban development, draining a wetland for agricultural use, allowing livestock to over-graze native vegetation, and removing riparian areas when channelizing rivers. The result of habitat loss is that fewer individuals of each species that rely on a specific habitat are able to live and use those resources, causing overall population decline.

🦌 Habitat fragmentation is when areas of suitable habitat are split up into smaller areas with few, if any, places for wildlife to move between the different areas. Examples of this include building roads or trails through natural areas, and putting up fences. Habitat loss can also lead to habitat fragmentation due to the decrease in overall area of the habitat. The result of habitat fragmentation is the increase in roadkill deaths of many wildlife species, as well as the decrease in genetic diversity of these species.

Restoring and conserving suitable habitat for species-at-risk is something that everybody can take part in, whether that be putting up a bird box on your property, joining a community event to remove invasive plants, fencing off your pond from livestock access, or spreading native wildflower seed.


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