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helping you take care of natural areas on your land

What is the Wildlife Habitat Stewards Initiative?

Wildlife Habitat Stewards are voluntary caretakers of important wildlife habitats on their owned or managed properties.  They drive stewardship, conservation and enhancement efforts on their properties. 


Okanagan Similkameen Stewardship partners with Wildlife Stewards and provides them with recognition, personalized advice and technical support in habitat enhancement projects, management plans, and assistance with best management practices for wildlife on their properties.

Being a Wildlife Habitat Steward does not mean you can't "use" your land. Wildlife Habitat Stewards still maintain their agricultural, tourism and other land use practices on their properties while implementing best management practices for wildlife.

How do I Become a Wildife Habitat Steward?

This initiative is no cost to you, straightforward, and there are many benefits to becoming a steward!

Meet Our Stewards

OSS has partnered with over 130 private land managers to support stewardship of nearly 10,000 acres of important habitats.

Click the map (right) to expand and see where we have been working.

2023 Existing Stewards.jpg
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